Illustration 插 畫: Mei Yao
SPEAK MY Language
Five multilingual radio documentaries highlighting the experiences of Chinese elders
facing barriers to access in the BC healthcare system
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ABOUT Speak my language 關於「聽我說吧」
Speak My Language is a storytelling media arts project for and by low-income Chinese seniors to share their experiences of language and cultural barriers in accessing healthcare, while exploring individual and collective healing and envisioning a culturally accessible healthcare system.
This project is a collection of five radio documentaries highlighting the experiences of Chinese elders facing barriers to access in the BC healthcare system. Created through collaborations between youth and seniors, Speak My Language promotes a greater awareness of accessibility in healthcare, while teaching community members media production skills and building intergenerational connections.
These radio docs have been produced under the mentorship of Rachel Lau.
Speak My Language「聽我說吧」是一個社區參與的新媒體藝術項目,希望透過聲音廣播的方式去傳播華人社區低收入長者的心聲,分享他們在卑詩省醫療系統中遇到的語言障礙和文化差異。在探索和撫平這些經歷的過程中,我們共同展望一個更有文化包容,讓更多人能真正享受到服務的醫療系統。
以上聲音紀錄片由Rachel Lau 劉可莉指導。
LAUNCH event 故事發佈會
PRESs & interviews 報道採訪
Below the Radar, Sept 2020, Intergenerational Storytelling with Chinatown Seniors with Yulanda Lui & Rachel Lau
Motherlands on CiTR 101.9FM, Aug 2020, Speak My Language: On Accessible Healthcare, Local Radio and Bridging Distance CiTR Discorder
Motherlands on CiTR 101.9FM, May 2020, What Comes Next?
Redeye on Co-op Radio, Mar 2020, Youth produce radio docs with Chinese seniors about health care
OMNI News, Mar 2020, Speak My Language and Health Care Access (Cantonese 粵語)
SFU Woodwards, Feb 2020, Speak My Language: Advocating for Culturally Accessible Healthcare

We thank our sponsors, the Government of Canada New Horizons for Seniors Program (NHSP), the City of Vancouver Community Arts Grants Program, the UBC Asian Canadian and Asian Migration Studies Program (UBC ACAM), and SFU’s Vancity Office of Community Engagement for their generous support. Special thanks to Alexander B. Kim, Madeline Taylor, respectfulchild and CiTR 101.9FM & Discorder Magazine.